Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sad news

My mom, Jean, passed away early this morning. She died the way she lived with class, dignity and grace. She had been ill for over a year and knew the end was imminent, and ironically seemed to have more control over her life these past few weeks than she had for several months previous. I will deeply miss her but will hopefully take with me her infectious love of life.

Her obituary will be in the Kansas City Star tomorrow and Sunday if you would like to view. For those out-of-towners, I would be glad to email it to you.


  1. So sorry, Kay, Jean was a sweetheart.

  2. Words could never express the sadness we feel for the loss of Mama. My heart goes out to your entire family. I was the lucky one to have known her and witnessed her love of family, friends, life and KU. She was a great example to me in SO MANY ways, and more importantly to Brett and Joel. Thank you Mama, You will be truly missed.

  3. Kay,
    I'm so sorry to hear the news. My heart breaks for your family. Please know, you folks are always in my thoughts.
    Take care dear friend.

  4. Jayme and Kay:
    So sorry to hear about your loss. Jean had a wonderful gift for making a person feel welcome. I remember that from the first time I met her, I felt as if I had known her a long time. That much kindness has great power.
    Bill, Kim and Emily Roberts

  5. Kay-
    Some of my fondest memories of the Kansas City family were of Jean and Iris telling stories to one another and their laughter filling a room.
    I will miss Jean. And I'm so glad that Kimberly and I will be there soon.
    Much Love, Tom

  6. My thoughts and prayers continue to be with you both. I am very sorry to hear about your most recent news. I know that even lossing your mom after a prolonged illness throws you off balance (my mom experienced a really long battle with Alzheimer's). It sort of feels like a mixed blessing and yet a very sad time. Allow yourselves to feel off balance during this overwhelmingly difficult time for your whole family.

    God Bless,

  7. Hi Kay & Jayme: I have been off line for a few
    days, Sorry to hear of your lost, though a mixed blessing it stills hurts. Its hard not being there to help and just listen, I have always been the cartaker in the family so I feel like a fish out of water. What I can do is send my prayers though the ether so check your in box for blessings! I Love ya'll very much and miss ya'll, #6
