Tuesday, March 10, 2009

We're Getting There

ICU is still Jayme's home, but hopefully he will change scenery and move to a regular room tomorrow. Things are progressing, just not as quickly as we would like. His blood counts are still low, and he had two transfusions today (platelets and red blood cells). On the other hand, his blood pressure is stable, heart rate is normal and the oxygen is no longer needed. We are most grateful for any baby steps!

His confusion is still present, though less frequent. I don't know whether to laugh or cry when I hear some of the things come out of his mouth. OK, so I mostly laugh. I have kept a journal over the past several days of all the happenings in ICU. I hope one day to share it with Jayme so we can laugh together!

According to the docs, we are still on schedule for our pre-operative appointments at the Mayo Clinic, as long as he continues to progress. I am confident we will stay on track and follow the timetable to head up to Minnesota on March 23rd.


  1. Thanks again for the update, Kay. It's good to know he's moving forward. Baby steps WILL get us there!

  2. Baby steps are good! Thanks for keeping us posted! Thinking about you guys.

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