Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Doing Well

Jayme is worn out this morning after an hour of Pulmonary Rehab, but it's a good worn out. The therapist's goal is to advance him daily so he can tolerate 30 min of aerobic exercise after he is home for awhile. Jayme's goal is to not get pneumonia, so he has been very compliant in all breathing and other exercises. We know it will be a long recovery, but at least we know there will be a recovery!

Since this is a surgery day for Dr Nichols, he came into see Jayme at 6:30 am. Needless to say, I missed that doctor visit. He also had a pain management team visit later in the morning. They have done a marvelous job of monitoring and controlling his pain. If you could see his incisions, you would be amazed how little pain he is experiencing.

He is still hooked up to lots of tubes, but the oxygen and heart monitors have been discontinued. He loves his nurse, Shannon. She is onery and so is he. It makes for a beautiful relationship!

Caroline arrives later this afternoon and Grace is flying in tomorrow for a few days. I'm anxious for both of them to see their dad in the recovery mode.


  1. I sure do have a strong Aunt and Uncle! I know it'll be nice to have Caroline and Grace around to see how much better Jayme is doing already. Hang in there!!

  2. Good luck to Shannon, I hope she can handle him! Way to go Jayme, keep up the great work! Hugs and Kisses to all!

  3. We are happy to see Jayme doing so well! Just a short note, but we are watching this blog every day and hooray for all the good news!

  4. Dear Kay and Jayme -
    We love the blog updates and love the both of you. Now we love Shannon too! "Work the rehab program and the rehab program will work for you" -- that's actual wisdom from I don't know who, but I bet it's true.

  5. Jayme and Kay,

    You are truly a dynamic duo. Jayme has taught us much about faith and hope, and now we can see it in action. Keep up the good work. As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

    Chris and Reid

  6. Kay and Jayme,

    You are truly a dynamic duo. Jayme has taught us much about faith and hope and now we can see it in action. As always, our thoughts and prayers are with you. Stay strong.

    Chris and Reid

  7. Jayme,
    Pleased to hear that you are up and taking such good care of your lungs. Know that you remain in my prayers for healing and strength. We all hope to continue to receive good news in the days ahead.
    God bless,
