Wednesday, January 21, 2009

2nd Opinion

Yesterday we saw Dr Baranda, a GI Oncologist at KU Med West. She spent an hour with us and was unbelievably accommodating. She gathered lots of info from Jayme and after processing his story along with all the test results, concluded that this is probably a cancer that started in the stomach and has moved into the esophagus. Jayme has thought that may be a possibility from the beginning. She agreed with the treatment plan that the KC Cancer Center has laid out and thinks it is important to get started asap. Whether the tumor originated in the stomach or esophagus, it is still treated the same.

Dr Baranda also emphasized how important the surgery is and recommended we look at going to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN. She thinks their thoracic surgeons are the best anywhere. While we were in her office, she called another GI Oncologist from the Mayo Clinic and got the name of a surgeon to consider. I will call tomorrow and start the ball rollin'.

So we will spend the next few weeks researching surgeons at both The Mayo Clinic and MD Anderson and then make a decision as to where to travel, which will probably be sometime in April.

Today is my mom's 78th birthday. Several of us gathered at their home tonight for dinner and cake and I know she enjoyed the evening. Although her body has weakened more this past week, her mind, spirit and sense of humor are amazingly as strong as ever. And even in her practically bedbound condition, she makes sure she gets help during the week to make Jayme casseroles and his favorite mashed potatoes so he can maintain his weight. A truly remarkable woman that I dearly love and admire!


  1. Appreciate the info you're giving us-we (me & everybody here at the office) want to know how things are going, but don't want to bother you. But, we do want you to know that you're in everyone's thoughts & prayers! And, of course, if you need anything-all you have to do is call...

  2. I am with you my dear friends...every minute of every day. Feel peace...feel love...feel power! MJB
