Friday, January 23, 2009

Friday Update

Jayme completed his final appointments before treatments start on Monday. He had a pic line placed in his left arm and was also"tatooed" to pinpoint the radiation site on his chest/abdomen. Ready or not, he will start his chemo and radiation Monday morning and he will be there most of the day. I will play the good wife role and hang out with him during chemo.

We have decided to go to the Mayo Clinic for the surgery. I had mentioned in a previous entry that a friend of Dr Baranda's (from KU) is an oncologist at the Mayo clinic and recommended a surgeon up there. We have a good family friend who has family ties at the Mayo and they were able to contact the surgeon, Dr Frank Nichols, and let him know about Jayme. To our total delight, Dr Nichols called Jayme at home this afternoon as he was boarding a plane for a medical conference. He asked Jayme some questions, explained the process and tentative timetable and then said he was very optimistic for Jayme. What an awesome phone call to get on a Friday afternoon.

Jayme has complained to me over the past few years that he was too low on my priority list. He thought he was #17 on my list. I now tell him he's moved up to #1 , so watch out what you wish for!


  1. Hi guys. I think I figured out how to do a comment? I feel a lot of positive vibes from the blog ( great idea ). I have two seperate groups of prayer warriors working on for you.I think you are the first to get a tattoo in the family. Please let me know of any thing I can do or books you would like to read. Love always #6

  2. Watch out indeed -- this is powerful stuff. Last Thursday I heard about a guy I've known in the program for years, a Roman Catholic priest and a good guy, who has a badly broken leg and is laid up in a rehab hospital in Elkhorn. So I decided to visit him on Sunday, and when I drove out there today, I encountered five other AAs who had the same idea. So we commandeered a small lunchroom and had a meeting, led by a woman who had prepared a topic -- just in case. The topic: Be sure to leave God some elbow room.
    Love and prayer,

  3. Hope the first day went okay! Been thinking about you guys.

  4. Jayme, So now that you have your first "tattoo", are you hooked? Think you'll get more? Maybe the next ones will be a little more colorful and under different circumstances. :-)
